6 Ways to Start a Business with Bad Credit

Times are tough - especially for those budding entrepreneurs looking to get their business off the ground. While the state of the economy should never be a deterrent in starting a small business (regardless if the economy is up or down - people and businesses still need to consume goods and services); down economies do have some effect on the business owners ability to find and obtain capital for their ventures.

But, all is not lost if your personal credit is a bit lacking.

Most business owners usually have some types of capital to put into their business - be it from personal savings, retirement accounts or loans from friends and family. But, they usually do not have all the funds necessary to launch their business and tend to struggle with allocating the money they do have to the numerous start-up expenses they will encounter.

Plus, bad credit (or even no credit) will make it very difficult for business owners to obtain unsecured working capital for items like marketing, payroll, or even office supplies.

I have always believed that whatever liquid capital (cash on hand) a business owners has walking into a new venture should be used for the overall development and growth of the business - it's essentially like putting in your own venture capital. However, this method of allocation usually leaves little if not 'no' additional money for other items businesses need for their operations to include tools and machinery to provide their goods or services, inventory, rent, or even office equipment including computers, copiers or even vehicles - items used in the day to day life of all businesses.

But, there are other ways that business owners can get these items even if the entrepreneur has bad credit.

For unsecured working capital, business owners can use the numerous social lending sites that have proliferated the Internet over the last decade or so. Social Lending is essentially where member borrow and lend to each other. Gaining access to capital for these sources tends to be easier to obtain as you get to tell your story directly to funders. Further, rates of these types of loans are usually lower than traditional bank lending. While considered personal loans, the funds received here can be used for any purpose including starting and running your business.

There are also Micro-Credit organizations whose whole purpose is to help new and growing businesses obtain capital after they have been turned down by traditional lenders like banks. These organizations are typically non-profit groups, backed by the SBA, and understand the trials that business owners face when trying to get their business venture off the ground. Plus, they offer a plethora of guidance to help ensure your long-term success.

Many new small businesses need all types of equipment for their business - from standard office equipment like computers and copy machines to tools and machinery that allow them to make or provide their products and services. There are equipment lenders that only provide these types of loans. They work with new start-ups and are extremely flexible in developing programs that can meet these businesses specific needs and while these loans and leases are secured by collateral (the equipment) there is less emphasis put on personal credit histories.

Further, a start-up business is considered a business in operation under one year. During this time, many businesses generate financial assets - but still find themselves lacking working capital as they grow. However, these assets can be used to secure financing, either to speed up the flow of payments, to complete current jobs or orders, or to get the funding needed for payroll or additional marketing.

These capital resources include factoring a business's receivables (why wait 30, 60 or 90 days to get paid by your customers- when you have bills that need to be paid now) or purchase order financing where your business can receive cash to complete jobs that are already in the works or funds to bid on jobs that would have otherwise eluded your business due to lack of working capital. And lastly, business cash advances for businesses that accept credit card payments from their customers allowing them to leverage future sales for growth capital today. The real bonus about there types of financing options is that they are not focused on the business owner's personal credit history but more on the strength of the asset.

Moreover, given our governments propensity to help people get back to work (most new jobs are created by small businesses) there has been an influx of new government and private grants to help people in need - including business owners.

Lastly, should a business owner still face difficulties due to credit issues - then the only step remaining is to eliminate those issues. While bankruptcy and credit counseling will continue to harm your credit after you complete these programs, there are other ways like debt consolidation that can reduce your unsecured debt (including credit card debt) into one, low, affordable payment. Allowing the business owner to free up current cash flow as well as improve their credit scores.

While most lenders tend to weed out potential borrowers through credit profiling - leaving many new business owners in limbo - the resources listed above are design to fill the lending gap that is crippling our nation and geared to help all business owners - regardless of past credit mistakes.

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Miss CootyHi my name is Miss Cooty pronounced “Miss Cody”. I am all dressed up with no date dont that stink. But that wont stop me from my Halloween costume contest. Miss Brittany and her Grandmother made my lovely outfit. No its not my real hair color. She’s naturally “cream” which is like a dirty blond or off-whiteish. But now a days who goes all natural. Please dont hate just appreciate.

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When fluffy said he was dating a real fox we thought….. « Lolcats ...
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Fox Haven Journal » Blog Archive » The Funny Looking Bald Eagle
By Beau
If my yellow lab starts looking at ducks like one of the family pets, then where will I be? Sheesh. The boy has started calling it Quackers. He (or she?) looks more like a Henry or Fred to me. Thankfully it hasn't made a sound yet. ...
Fox Haven Journal - http://foxhavenjournal.com/

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WNYC - The Brian Lehrer Show: Pet Projects (May 06, 2009)
By listenerservices@wnyc.org (WNYC, New York...
Talking about the "thug life" in a logic-based "wnyc" kind of way is just so funny to me. [13] James from brooklyn May 06, 2009 - 11:15AM. Marion,. I agree with you entirely. I am a dog owner. This really has to do with the division of ...
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May 9 Buckeye Dog Auction and Peaceful Rally :For the Love of the Dog
By Admin
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The dog is NOT a garbage disposal.

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By admin
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The dog is NOT a garbage disposal! | Gather
By Pamela O.
our garbage is in the pantry behind a closed door (but we don't have pets either :). DiAnA D., May 6, 2009, 11:30am EDT. I don't have a pet - but this is funny! Christine Z., May 6, 2009, 11:35am EDT ...
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The Social Poets: Video: Heineken's Funny Walk-In Fridge Closet Ad
By warriorspearl@gmail.com (Denny Lyon)
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Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan Turns His Attention to Puppy Farmers
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How headache prone is getting out of unsecured debt
By admin
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Unleashed: Robert McClintock show to benefit Recycled Love - A ...
By Jill Rosen
"They're funny. They crack me up. I always wonder what they're saying. But I'm also glad that I don't really know. I connect with their honesty and how they just want to love you." A highlight of the show is a portrait of one of the dogs rescued from ... Thanks to the pets blog, which she began writing for in February 2009, she has attended her first cat wedding. An animal lover, she has had four dogs (Snoopy, Barney, Paisley and Gracie), two cats (Gladstone and Phoebe), ...
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The Pet Museum: wanda gag
By curator
I had planned to bring you all a post on Wanda Gag (1893-1946), the author and illustrator best known for Millions of Cats and The Funny Thing. (I loved that last one when I was a kid - boy, was that foreshadowing.) ...
The Pet Museum - http://thepetmuseum.blogspot.com/
O/T ouch ouch and ouch - Pet Forums Community
By frags
Aaahhhh Fraggy you look so sooooo pretty wow! you were the Belle of the Ball I bet! Ahhhh you did us proud princess frags! You look so funny in your last and final pic rather cute I must say! ...
Pet Forums Community - http://www.petforums.co.uk/

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this just proves that dogs are part human

Share your funny videos with us by emailing me at rohni.kumar@gmail.com

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Short and funny clips fuel a long and serious career

Short and funny clips fuel a long and serious career
New York Daily News - New York,NY,USA
Bruce Nash's clip shows on pets gone bad and cheating spouses used to prompt TV executives to apologize publicly, but appreciate the good ratings privately. ...

Richard Pratt profile: A rich man's world
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
"My wife has a funny expression," he says. "She says people on boards are often so frightened of rocking the boat that they sink the ship. ...

'The Celebrity Apprentice' recap: Going once, going twice...
Entertainment Weekly - USA
Isn't that one of his pet peeves? Shouldn't he be questionning them about their drive for success or some other bs? And why should Jesse be expected to hit ...

Photo Flash: The Lieutenant of Inishmore At Berkeley Rep
Broadway World - New York,NY,USA
mcdonagh is even willing to examine and challenge our sentimental attachment to our favorite pets." Like all of mcdonagh's scripts, The Lieutenant of ...

Ol' Dirty Lawsuit
Heeb Magazine - USA
John and Weisfeld were joking around one day and Weisfeld said, "You know what would be a funny show? On Parole with ODB!" Soon after, Weisfeld sold the ...

Portrait of the artist: Frances Barber, actor
guardian.co.uk - UK
I'm told she already does a wicked impersonation of me; cruel but very funny. Complete this sentence: At heart I'm just a frustrated ... Sarah Montague. ...

Emerging Indian American Filmmakers in IFFLA Spotlight
San Leandro India West - San Leandro,CA,USA
The wacky, funny film, loaded with violence and sexual overtones, also symbolizes the death of the album cover art as the era of digitally acquired music ...

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Kevin P. Casey for The New York Times

New York Times
Kevin P. Casey for The New York Times
New York Times - United States
By JENNA WORTHAM After Duncan Birmingham, a comedy screenwriter in Los Angeles, got one too many holiday cards featuring miserable-looking pets wearing fake ...

Children's Book Reviews
Publishers Weekly - New York,NY,USA
Sarah announces that Ralph's rotten days are behind him, vowing to protect her pet: he ends up in a baby buggy, wearing a bonnet. Kids won't expect this to ...

BJP will have newer allies after polls, says Advani
Indian Express - New Delhi,India
Advani.. funny. BJP will have newer allies after pollsBy: Titiksha Shukla | Monday , 20 Apr '09 11:24:44 AM Reply | Forward This article clearly brings out ...

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Revenge' one of most satirical books in years

'Revenge' one of most satirical books in years
2TheAdvocate - Baton Rouge,LA,USA
Revenge of the Teacher's Pet is one of the funniest, most satirical books to come out in years. Its appeal is thanks in large part to the main character, ...

The week in review: No sleep for Kalla
Jakarta Post - Jakarta,Indonesia
But on Thursday, there was a shocking but also funny announcement from the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM). The agency had found several brands of ...

Times Online
News Review interview: David Attenborough
Times Online - UK
Teeth are quite important: if you lose your teeth, you sound funny". So he's doing some radio scripts for the summer, and working on the natural history ...

Brand Power
The Age - Melbourne,Australia
Putting it together involved a team of researchers trawling through mountains of archival footage for funny material and whittling it down to a manageable ...

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5 reasons why Susan Boyle is different from your usual overnight...

Entertainment Weekly
5 reasons why Susan Boyle is different from your usual overnight ...
Entertainment Weekly - USA
(I don't actually buy this argument -- ie, that Bruce Springsteen is inherently better than, say, the Pet Shop Boys because he writes out of a tradition of ...

Quick wit, funny characters drive ''Phineas and Ferb''
Tampabay.com - St. Petersburg,FL,USA
They also have a pet platypus, Perry, who is a secret agent doing battle with the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yes, a secret agent platypus who is in an ...

He's still a cynic's cynic
Central Florida Future - Orlando,FL,USA
Maher's stand-up act serves as a way to get everything in the political world that frustrates him off his chest. He saved his infamous pet peeve, though, ...

The Great Escape: Mystery Preview
Library Journal - New York,NY,USA
"Readers of mystery fiction look to be swept along to another time, a fictive environment, and we sold Rice Bowl quickly because its world is complex yet ...

Moms spill truth about motherhood
I'm behind the pet rabbit,'" she says. "Our kids are watching us. So when you go out on that date, you have to sit your kids down and say, ...

Dog owners share some seriously smelly stories
Macon Telegraph - Macon,GA,USA
Send e-mail to Petworld@stevedale.tv. Write to Steve at Tribune Media Services, 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207.

Couple's home was butterfly ground zero
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
Norah, funny and good-natured, treated her horse like a pet, he said. For "one of the greatest natural history discoveries of our time," the Urquharts ...

Proposed Caseville ordinance restricts dogs on public land
Huron Daily Tribune - Bad Axe,MI,USA
Do you not realize the benefits of pet ownership? ... people are so depressed with today's economic problems. They need animals in their life - Pet Therapy. ...

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Fact boxes with tidbits about the history of the White House

Words and music
Philadelphia Inquirer - Philadelphia,PA,USA
"You couldn't write a funny review in the New York Review of Books, and most people couldn't write a personal essay in the New Yorker. ...

Eurweb.com - Los Angeles,CA,USA
Fact boxes with tidbits about the history of the White House itself and a collage of famous pets are included. A tuckered Bo curls up on a bean bag bed for ...

The Streisand Effect - or People Who Don't Need People
Big Hollywood - Venice Beach,CA,USA
she quipped when Funny Girl was released in 1968. "You should have seen the letter I got from my Aunt Rose!") Musically, Streisand was a true diva, ...

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A career of surprise

Exploring 'Free Realms'
USA Today - USA
Free Realms focuses on fun, with activities such as chasing chickens, tipping cows and having your pet chase the postman. "It is cartoonish and funny and ...

A career of surprise
Concord Monitor - Concord,NH,USA
"It's so funny how you just fall into these things," said Holman, whose latest book, Nicholas: A New Hampshire Tale, recently hit bookstores. ...

Activists becoming 'true believers'
The Santa Clara - CA, USA
By Mark Loiseau Activism is a funny thing. In his most celebrated book, "The True Believer," Eric Hoffer posits that activist movements universally draw ...

The Great Escape: Mystery Preview
Library Journal - New York,NY,USA
Meanwhile, animal mysteries are selling well, which Grand Central's Johnson attributes to their crossover appeal to both mystery readers and pet lovers. ...

A brief encounter
Tehran Times - Iran
I swung around and replied in an exaggerated Geordie accent: "I'm off to Newcastle tomorrow, Pet -- but just for the weekend." His face was a picture. ...

'Observe and Report' is funny and dark, but not a dark comedy
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
Writer-director Jody Hill, who had a hand in creating all three characters, seems drawn to people who live in a self-created world, oblivious to what anyone ...

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Station Break: Pirates and the Obama Dog

Paris, Puppies, Prop 8 Vie for Webby Awards
E! Online - USA
... the so-called highest honor of the online world. Hilton's Funny or Die-aided response to John McCain's campaign-backfiring diss has been nominated for a ...

Station Break: Pirates and the Obama Dog
Washington Post - United States
Haven't presidents going back to at least FDR had loveable pets? (I would like a president to have an unloveable pet, just once). ...

Getting the goat of Cubs fans
The National Sports Review - Chicago,IL,USA
According to the legend, the Cubs have been cursed since 1945, when a bar owner's pet goat was ejected during a World Series game at the "Friendly Confines" ...

Monsters and Critics.com
Marley And Me (3-disc Bad Dog Edition) – Blu-ray Review
Monsters and Critics.com - USA
Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston star in this tearjerker about the world's worst dog and the family that loves him. I also loved that Fox is taking the idea ...

The Loss of "Cool"
San Diego Reader - San Diego,CA,USA
I say that stuff in a funny way with sorta an attitude. You know like I'm in the "know" but I don't really care. Isn't that cool? ...

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First thought of obama

Its a really crazy world.

First thoughts: A successful outcome
msnbc.com - USA
Sources also tell O'Donnell that it's not the first pet in the extended family to have the name Bo; Craig Robinson, Michelle Obama's brother, ...

The Star-Ledger - NJ.com
In Treatment: Reviewing week two
The Star-Ledger - NJ.com - Newark,NJ,USA
I love the way she delivers the line about how her affair with Bennett was like a fairy tale -- "Princess f---s the frog" -- because it's funny but it's ...

Slate: Advice from 'Dear Prudence'
Washington Post - United States
Just as the world may be divided into callers and texters, it's also divided into those who love sleeping with their pet (supply your own jokes), ...

Texting can be hazardous to spelling
Tulsa World - Tulsa,OK,USA
My biggest pet peeve is conveying amusement via text. I frequently get "LOL" (you know, "laughing out loud") in a text after I've texted, ...

New Yorker
From Venice to Varanasi
New Yorker - United States
Bernhard is very funny, but despair—particularly the menace of suicide and breakdown—is always present. Dyer is more deliberately funny, and lighter, ...

President Obama to Lift Restrictions on Cuba
ABC News - USA
For smiley-face fascist Obama -- who's bought and swindled his way to the top of the political heap -- to lecture CUBA about "democracy" would be funny, ...

have a look at the articles and get back to the blog for reading more.

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Funny pet world

Funny pet world

Us Magazine
Obama Girls Got Puppy on Saturday
Us Magazine - New York,NY,USA
Funny how a lot of Republicans got their panties in a knot over the media going after Bristol Palin's unplanned pregnancy ("you should have enough respect ...

The Big Screen Bulletin 04.13.09: The Chocolate Bunny Hangover
411mania.com - Sugar Land,TX,USA
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective Jr. is one of the worst movies ever made….bar none. How anyone could have made this and approved it for release to the public is ...

Express from The Washington Post
Silly Head: Kristen Schaal
Express from The Washington Post - Washington,DC,USA
EXPRESS: But it's so funny in the execution. Why? » SCHAAL: I think it's just the power of repetition in comedy, but repetition explored and pushed past ...

The good-natured bantering taking place in the filming of "You May ...
Honolulu Star-Bulletin - Honolulu,HI,USA
What first attracted Annable to the project was the script, which he describes as "really funny and sweet ... a nice romantic story." Producer Rann Watumull ...

Attending a conference? How to make the most of the opportunity!
Examiner.com - USA
Also make note of any particulars you connected over—be it a creative social media campaign you discussed, or a funny pet story. Consider tweeting live from ...

'Doga' is neither a trend nor threat Mary Schmich
Chicago Tribune - United States
Nor does "spa owner" properly evoke Barbara Royal, a down-to-earth, funny, 48-year-old veterinarian who when I walked in was wearing jeans and sandals, ...

Barbie dolls: Timeless beauty
Merinews - New Delhi,India
Barbie also has a range of luxury accessories, including sports cars, swimming pools, stables and more than 40 pets," he adds. "Barbies are a funny thing. ...


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