5 reasons why Susan Boyle is different from your usual overnight...

Entertainment Weekly
5 reasons why Susan Boyle is different from your usual overnight ...
Entertainment Weekly - USA
(I don't actually buy this argument -- ie, that Bruce Springsteen is inherently better than, say, the Pet Shop Boys because he writes out of a tradition of ...

Quick wit, funny characters drive ''Phineas and Ferb''
Tampabay.com - St. Petersburg,FL,USA
They also have a pet platypus, Perry, who is a secret agent doing battle with the evil Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Yes, a secret agent platypus who is in an ...

He's still a cynic's cynic
Central Florida Future - Orlando,FL,USA
Maher's stand-up act serves as a way to get everything in the political world that frustrates him off his chest. He saved his infamous pet peeve, though, ...

The Great Escape: Mystery Preview
Library Journal - New York,NY,USA
"Readers of mystery fiction look to be swept along to another time, a fictive environment, and we sold Rice Bowl quickly because its world is complex yet ...

Moms spill truth about motherhood
I'm behind the pet rabbit,'" she says. "Our kids are watching us. So when you go out on that date, you have to sit your kids down and say, ...

Dog owners share some seriously smelly stories
Macon Telegraph - Macon,GA,USA
Send e-mail to Petworld@stevedale.tv. Write to Steve at Tribune Media Services, 2225 Kenmore Ave., Suite 114, Buffalo, NY 14207.

Couple's home was butterfly ground zero
Toronto Star - Ontario, Canada
Norah, funny and good-natured, treated her horse like a pet, he said. For "one of the greatest natural history discoveries of our time," the Urquharts ...

Proposed Caseville ordinance restricts dogs on public land
Huron Daily Tribune - Bad Axe,MI,USA
Do you not realize the benefits of pet ownership? ... people are so depressed with today's economic problems. They need animals in their life - Pet Therapy. ...

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