Station Break: Pirates and the Obama Dog

Paris, Puppies, Prop 8 Vie for Webby Awards
E! Online - USA
... the so-called highest honor of the online world. Hilton's Funny or Die-aided response to John McCain's campaign-backfiring diss has been nominated for a ...

Station Break: Pirates and the Obama Dog
Washington Post - United States
Haven't presidents going back to at least FDR had loveable pets? (I would like a president to have an unloveable pet, just once). ...

Getting the goat of Cubs fans
The National Sports Review - Chicago,IL,USA
According to the legend, the Cubs have been cursed since 1945, when a bar owner's pet goat was ejected during a World Series game at the "Friendly Confines" ...

Monsters and
Marley And Me (3-disc Bad Dog Edition) – Blu-ray Review
Monsters and - USA
Owen Wilson and Jennifer Aniston star in this tearjerker about the world's worst dog and the family that loves him. I also loved that Fox is taking the idea ...

The Loss of "Cool"
San Diego Reader - San Diego,CA,USA
I say that stuff in a funny way with sorta an attitude. You know like I'm in the "know" but I don't really care. Isn't that cool? ...

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