A career of surprise

Exploring 'Free Realms'
USA Today - USA
Free Realms focuses on fun, with activities such as chasing chickens, tipping cows and having your pet chase the postman. "It is cartoonish and funny and ...

A career of surprise
Concord Monitor - Concord,NH,USA
"It's so funny how you just fall into these things," said Holman, whose latest book, Nicholas: A New Hampshire Tale, recently hit bookstores. ...

Activists becoming 'true believers'
The Santa Clara - CA, USA
By Mark Loiseau Activism is a funny thing. In his most celebrated book, "The True Believer," Eric Hoffer posits that activist movements universally draw ...

The Great Escape: Mystery Preview
Library Journal - New York,NY,USA
Meanwhile, animal mysteries are selling well, which Grand Central's Johnson attributes to their crossover appeal to both mystery readers and pet lovers. ...

A brief encounter
Tehran Times - Iran
I swung around and replied in an exaggerated Geordie accent: "I'm off to Newcastle tomorrow, Pet -- but just for the weekend." His face was a picture. ...

'Observe and Report' is funny and dark, but not a dark comedy
Los Angeles Times - CA,USA
Writer-director Jody Hill, who had a hand in creating all three characters, seems drawn to people who live in a self-created world, oblivious to what anyone ...

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