Revenge' one of most satirical books in years

'Revenge' one of most satirical books in years
2TheAdvocate - Baton Rouge,LA,USA
Revenge of the Teacher's Pet is one of the funniest, most satirical books to come out in years. Its appeal is thanks in large part to the main character, ...

The week in review: No sleep for Kalla
Jakarta Post - Jakarta,Indonesia
But on Thursday, there was a shocking but also funny announcement from the Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM). The agency had found several brands of ...

Times Online
News Review interview: David Attenborough
Times Online - UK
Teeth are quite important: if you lose your teeth, you sound funny". So he's doing some radio scripts for the summer, and working on the natural history ...

Brand Power
The Age - Melbourne,Australia
Putting it together involved a team of researchers trawling through mountains of archival footage for funny material and whittling it down to a manageable ...

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