First thought of obama

Its a really crazy world.
First thoughts: A successful outcome - USA
Sources also tell O'Donnell that it's not the first pet in the extended family to have the name Bo; Craig Robinson, Michelle Obama's brother, ...

The Star-Ledger -
In Treatment: Reviewing week two
The Star-Ledger - - Newark,NJ,USA
I love the way she delivers the line about how her affair with Bennett was like a fairy tale -- "Princess f---s the frog" -- because it's funny but it's ...

Slate: Advice from 'Dear Prudence'
Washington Post - United States
Just as the world may be divided into callers and texters, it's also divided into those who love sleeping with their pet (supply your own jokes), ...

Texting can be hazardous to spelling
Tulsa World - Tulsa,OK,USA
My biggest pet peeve is conveying amusement via text. I frequently get "LOL" (you know, "laughing out loud") in a text after I've texted, ...

New Yorker
From Venice to Varanasi
New Yorker - United States
Bernhard is very funny, but despair—particularly the menace of suicide and breakdown—is always present. Dyer is more deliberately funny, and lighter, ...

President Obama to Lift Restrictions on Cuba
ABC News - USA
For smiley-face fascist Obama -- who's bought and swindled his way to the top of the political heap -- to lecture CUBA about "democracy" would be funny, ...

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