Short and funny clips fuel a long and serious career

Short and funny clips fuel a long and serious career
New York Daily News - New York,NY,USA
Bruce Nash's clip shows on pets gone bad and cheating spouses used to prompt TV executives to apologize publicly, but appreciate the good ratings privately. ...

Richard Pratt profile: A rich man's world
The Australian - Sydney,Australia
"My wife has a funny expression," he says. "She says people on boards are often so frightened of rocking the boat that they sink the ship. ...

'The Celebrity Apprentice' recap: Going once, going twice...
Entertainment Weekly - USA
Isn't that one of his pet peeves? Shouldn't he be questionning them about their drive for success or some other bs? And why should Jesse be expected to hit ...

Photo Flash: The Lieutenant of Inishmore At Berkeley Rep
Broadway World - New York,NY,USA
mcdonagh is even willing to examine and challenge our sentimental attachment to our favorite pets." Like all of mcdonagh's scripts, The Lieutenant of ...

Ol' Dirty Lawsuit
Heeb Magazine - USA
John and Weisfeld were joking around one day and Weisfeld said, "You know what would be a funny show? On Parole with ODB!" Soon after, Weisfeld sold the ...
Portrait of the artist: Frances Barber, actor - UK
I'm told she already does a wicked impersonation of me; cruel but very funny. Complete this sentence: At heart I'm just a frustrated ... Sarah Montague. ...

Emerging Indian American Filmmakers in IFFLA Spotlight
San Leandro India West - San Leandro,CA,USA
The wacky, funny film, loaded with violence and sexual overtones, also symbolizes the death of the album cover art as the era of digitally acquired music ...

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